Tuesday, 20 April 2010

My Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Font and Colour:
The font on the double page spread is a lot more basic as the interview has to be easy to read for the readers. The title of "Freddie Noble is written in block, edgy lettering which has been used throughout the different pages representing the target audience Beneath this is the tag line, again written in 'easy to read' font and in the colour of red. The tag line is "19 and single. Sex and Rock'n'Roll? Who wouldn't say no?" This speech marks around this show that it is a quote from the interview itself. As it is a powerful and strong line it will entice the reader to read the article. The colour of red makes the tag line stand out and gives represents Freddie and the target reader's boldness.

Typical conventions have been followed such as the title and the tag line, the picture being on the left hand side and the article being on the right. In small font at the bottom of each of the pages are the masthead title, website, page number and date, this gives the page an interesting and more original look and reminds the reader of these conventions.
The picture on the right hand side shows a more relaxed Freddie then what is seen on the front cover and the contents page. The picture has been edited so it has a slight blue tint. This is to represent that he is getting over his latest hardship and problems that he has been going through and he is coming out the other end a lot more happier. The blue helps present him to be calmer and more relaxed.

My Contents Deconstruction


On the contents page there are three pictures making it simple and less crowded. The biggest picture on the right hand side is related to the main story inside the magazine which is to do with Freddie Noble. Below this is another picture of the band 'I Am Vexed' and a small picture just below the features of David Martin. The features is on the left hand side with a regulars box at the bottom of the page. At the top is the title of the page.


Typical conventions have been followed such as the main image being on the right hand side, the features being on the left, a separate regulars box, the masthead, title of the page, date and page numbers.


The main picture of Freddie Noble has been edited so it has three strikes at the top left hand side of picture. This gives the idea that he feels like he is stuck in a prison and can't quite 'see the light' this compliments well with the tag line of "Out of rehab." The other picture of 'I Am Vexed' represents the target audience as in the photo they are standing against a wall with the figure of an 18 next to them. This represents the target audience as they are dressed well, Indie and aged 18 and above. The picture of David Martin with him playing the guitar ties in well with the feature: "David Martin - Guitar Hit."

Font and Colour:

Just like the front cover, the font on the contents page appears to be edgy, rough and bold just like the target audience. The colour of the masthead is a deep red which is different to the front cover, this red warms the page against the harsh colour of black of the 'contents 03/10'. The features are written in black and the same deep red as the masthead, which link the features to the magazine. Freddie Noble is written in a darker pink then what was on the front cover, this gives the impression that he has a warmer personality contrasting to the bold tag line, written in black of "Out of rehab."

My Front Cover Deconstruction

Font and colour:
The font on all of the writing that has been used is quite edgy and is rough around the edges. This is representative of the target audience because they are not totally clean cut and have a rougher and edgy side to their personalities.
The masthead is written in white, representing the innocence and slight ignorance which is again, representative of the target audience for the magazine because although they have a rougher side to them they are also caring, and more innocent then they seem. The rest of the colour font in the plugs are a mixture of either purple and white or blue and white. The white has been used to connect the plugs to the masthead and the magazine while the other fonts give the front cover a varying and original look, just like the target audience.

The main plug of "Freddie Noble" etc has been written in grey for his name and pink for the sub-heading underneath his name this separates it from the other plugs and gives the idea that this is the main story inside of the magazine. The pink has been used, despite feminine connotations, gives Freddie a slightly softer side instead of the rough and slightly threatening side that is portrayed.


The conventions that have been used are necessary for all magazines, there is a bar code, date, price and website for the target reader to access.


There is only one main picture on this front cover, this is of Freddie Noble. The picture is typical for a music magazine and for front covers in general. The subject is in the centre of the page looking straight at the reader themselves. This gives a direct appeal to the target reader enticing them to buy the magazine. Freddie is wearing a suit giving him the image of someone that is sophisticated and hard working but because of his slightly aggressive facial expression is follows the conventions of gangsters in earlier films such as The Godfather. This presents Freddie to have a darker nature and personality. Freddie is on his knees with a guitar in his hand resting next to him presenting his passion for music and his career.

Monday, 12 April 2010

My Double Page Spread (DPS)

This is my final double page spread, the draft and screen shots showing the development of this page can be found in my scrap book on pages 42 - 49.

I found this page the easiest to plan and develop, probably because I had more experience when using the software. I still however, used a magazine double page spread for inspiration so I could plan how I wanted to arrange the layout for my own double page spread.

This double page spread from 'NME' music magazine was my inspiration for my DPS as it used good styles to attract the reader such as the simple layout, tag line from the interview itself and a strong pose from the singer.

Once I had completed my draft DPS my peers looked over it and suggested what needed improving and changing, they suggested changing the font colour back to all black at the start as it looks unprofessional, and for the picture of Freddie his foot needs to be cropped out of the picture, which will make it look more professional. My peers liked the page number and website at the bottom of the page.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

My Contents Page

For this page of my magazine I decided to use a contents page from NME because I liked the simplicity of it and thought that the style would fit in well with my magazine. In my scrap book, I used a contents page that I saw as 'inspiration' as I decided to copy some of the styles, layout and colour it had used to present the contents page, obviously I made this more original and made it more applicable to my style and genre of music magazine. From this I planned a basic outline of my contents page.

I decided to use this contents page as inspiration for my contents page as I liked the 'regulars' box and how it was set out. The things I kept from the layout of this were the pictures (however I used less, making it less crowded) and the arrangement of text.

Once I had finally finished the draft of my contents page I asked my fellow peers what aspects they liked of the page and what needed changing or getting rid of all together. For my contents page I was advised to change the editing on Freddie's picture so it was lighter and the font needs to be more bold and eye catching. They liked the 'I am Vexed' picture and how I've introduced them.
As I have lost my memory stick you can see the development of my contents page in my screen shots, which are found in my scrap book on page ... to page ...

Draft Contents Page - Before changes

Final Contents Page - After Changes

Sunday, 4 April 2010

My Front Cover

For my front cover I had to use a lot of planning as I knew that this would be the main selling point of my magazine and this was the most important page when wanting to draw in my target audience.

I already knew the specific picture I was going to use, as we had done the photo shoot before we started the planning of our front cover. I used a number of magazine front covers to help me decide on how I was going to layout my page, the colours I was going to use, what typical conventions such as bar code and price I was going to need and where these should be placed.

These are some of the front cover pages and images that I used for inspiration when I was planning my front cover.

From these magazine I started generating some ideas, for my final page. I knew that looking from these front covers that the layout should be:
Masthead on the left hand side.
Main image in the centre.
Different features inside the magazine to mainly be on the right.
Anything else to go on the left.

After my draft, I got feedback from my fellow peers to find out what worked well and what needed changing they advised me to move the text along as "Freddie Noble" was only just on the page and so is the masthead. The red banner and the font inside it needs reducing as it looks to large. I personally though that "Bands to Smash 2010" needed to be more powerful and bolder then it was. My peers also suggested that although they liked the use of the stars it gave it a slightly more unprofessional look about it, which my teacher agreed with. They also liked my use of colour on the fonts especially for "Sex. Drugs. Rock'n'Roll.

You can see my draft front cover on page 27 in my scrapbook.

Unfortunately I lost my memory stick which had the majority of my screenshots on. However, the developments of this can be seen in my scrapbook on page 20 to page 26.

Final front cover - After changes.