Monday, 29 March 2010

Progression From College Magazine to Full Product

In my Pre-Lim evaluation I wrote:

"For the music magazine I will defiantly need to plan a lot more and get more research done, so I can understand music magazine to a good level, I will also produce a draft for my music magazine to make sure that I can present this magazine to the best understanding and ability. I will follow certain ideology but be sure to make it original and more unique than the Pre-Lim magazine I have made. I will also spend more time on Photoshop and InDesign to get a better understanding of both of the soft wares so when it comes to designing my real music magazine I will be able to do it easily."

Overall, I have defiantly accomplished the targets I set, I spent a lot of time planning and researching into different music magazines, which was shown through my deconstructions of front covers, contents pages and double page spreads. The deconstructions that I did in my scrapbook for the front covers I made to a very high standard as I knew that I had to understand the ideology and iconography of a front cover more than anything. However, for the contents pages and double page spreads, although a decent amount of effort went into this I feel I did not complete these deconstructions to the best of ability which in result led to me not understanding these pages as well as the front cover. If I had focused more on the deconstructions of the contents pages and double page spreads, I could have probably achieved a better standard of my own pages.

As for researching, I also believe that I did this to a better standard than I did in my Pre-Lim. From the evaluation and my scrap book it is clear that I did spend a lot of time looking into the particular items that my target audience would like which was shown through the mood board, I made a questionnaire especially aimed at my target audience so I would know exactly what they would want to see and read in a music magazine. I also looked into more magazines of my particular genre to get a better understanding of what they include in their magazine giving me a wide range of options when considering what to put in my magazine and the layout.

As for the planning side I believe I could have put more effort in to get the optimum best out of my pages. I don't think I planned that well, mainly because I was more interested in getting actually started on my draft and final pages than I was planning, because I was aware of the deadline that was getting increasingly closer. The planning that I did was the basics of my pages, however I think from showing where I got my inspiration was a good idea as it allowed me to remain focused on what I did want in my pages and not get sidetracked with adding in things I didn't need.

After my Pre-Lim I wrote in my evaluation on the construction side of the pages was:

"When first introduced to InDesign and Photoshop I had never used them before and therefore had to pick up the skills as I went on. From this I have managed to grasp a basic understanding of Photoshop and InDesign and can use different skill such as: I know how to place a picture on both of these soft wares, change different colours and textures, place writing and text and add interesting features to them to make it more appealing. In Photoshop I now understand how to edit a picture and change anything to it that is not needed such as, resizing a picture, zooming in and out, changing the texture and removing blemishes and uneven skin tone."

"If I did the Pre-Lim task again, I would have spent more time editing the picture and focusing to make the front cover and the contents page a lot more detailed and less basic, however lack of time prevented me from doing this already. I would also change the background to my front cover and make it more interesting with a better font and different effects skills such as using different textures to create something more different and original. The contents page does follow some ideology but I think I would need to look at other magazines more throughly to produce a better contents page with more understanding."

Overall, I think the construction of all my pages went a lot more smoothly then when I did the Pre-Lim as I was more knowledgeable and understand InDesign and Photoshop a lot more which gave me the advantage of being able to edit to a high enough standard and let me construct the type and style of pages that I wanted. I also mentioned in my Pre-Lim that I would need to work on ideology and to focus on magazines more, which I did do giving me an advantage when it came to the construction of my pages. All of my pages follow a specific page from a music magazine so I could ensure the layout and style was correct and from being able to edit and using this, I think I managed to achieve the best potential of my pages.

Over the year I have had to learn a lot of new skills in a short space of time and some of these skills improved greater than others, such as my deconstruction skills and researching. I think my deconstruction skills developed highly as I find it easy to learn new key words for this and find symbolism etc easy to spot whereas when it comes to planning for instance I always am quite indecisive which is why this skill took longer to develop and not to the best that it could have been. The main thing I would have changed when undergoing this task would have been to give myself more time planning and working on the scrapbook and putting a good effort into every page as I feel that some pages are or a lower quality then others.

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